
sleep performance anxiety

i've been a dad for eight weeks now. in some ways it has passed by in a flash. in others it seems like an eternity. Kelly and i are looking forward to the first time he sleeps through the night with great anticipation. we've heard rumors of other people's kids starting it around 3 months or so. i can't wait.

so, i went on a business trip this week for my first night away from home since Porter was born. my whole plan was to get to the hotel as early as possible to try to catch some extra z's. i arrived at the hotel at 9 pm and hopped straight into the bed. but i just couldn't go to sleep. i stayed up till midnight and had to get up at 5 am. i actually got less sleep than when i'm at home. i think the pressure just got to me. is there such a thing as "sleep performance anxiety?" as everyone who reads this knows, i've never had a problem sleeping. i spent my entire senior year of high school asleep. i can sleep sitting up. i can sleep with noise all around me. most nights i'm asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. if there was a competitive professional sleeping tour, i'd be the league champion. but this one night with my first chance at real sleep in two months, i blew it. in the immortal words of charlie brown, "AAAAAUUUUUUUGH!"

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